At a young age, I always believed in love at first sight and you could always find that perfect love and live happily ever after. Nothing intensifies this perception more than being young and entering the world with rose-colored glasses and refusing to believe that anything negative could change this. This is my story.

We all have certain things that we look for in a person and I was no different. Knowing what you want is important; however, understanding that I would never find exactly what I’m looking for was something I needed to accept. It’s still possible to believe ordinary to be extraordinary. At the time, disappointment and pain became my living and awareness of the world. I found new respect in things that often go unnoticed when your perceptions are challenged. It changed me for the better.

A relationship requires comprise and a fair amount of sharing of things from both individuals to make it work. I learned never to go through the motions and have my time and effort remain captive to someone who is incapable of seeing outside of themselves or their environment. Reality made me grow up; humility made me realize and reinforce life is not always sugar and spice and everything nice. When you don’t know your value, you find yourself settling for less than what you deserve. I needed to know my worth and that I was worthy of being appreciated and respected.

I do not need validation. I am worth it and I deserve to know that everyday of my life.

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